Tuesday, November 6, 2012

November 3, 2012 Wally's Leg, Georgia

This was by far the longest day of our trip to the Keys.  The 83 miles however, allowed us to finally meet up with one of our "Buddy Boats!"  Ken and Marie on Tempest greeted us with smiles and we renewed our friendship with some wine and stories of our children.

The Skidaway Bridge opened for us with only a slight delay.  We waited only a couple of minutes for the sailboat behind us to catch up to us so we could all pass through with a single opening and thereby reducing the inconvenience on local traffic, you know, those late for day care, on their way to work and to school.

Moon River, Burnside, Vernon and Little Ogeechee Rivers took us round to the left then round to the right!  The Ogeechee River had many dolphins feeding.  Again, I have no pics of dolphins since the little creatures hold their breathe for what seems forever!

Up the Florida Passage to Kilkenney Creek and the Bear River led us to St Catherine's Sound.  Walburg Creek and Johnson Creek brought us to the South Newport River and the Sapelo Sound and Island.  Once across the Sound we entered the Altamara Sound and Little Mud River with low tide in progress and very little water under our keel.  Sometimes as little as (5) feet.  We draft 4' 9" but anything less than (7) feet is a problem.  We arrived in Wally's Leg just as the sun set and it started to get cool and buggy with "no see ums" that you could see!!

Captain Sid

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