Thursday, December 29, 2011

December 29, 2011 Averill Park

 The holidays are rapidly coming to an end.  We feel most fortunate to have been able to visit some family and lots of friends and neighbors since returning home from Melbourne in late November.  Our health is once again assured as evidenced by numerous doctor visits with OK's from all of them!  Wow!  Other things will occupy my "concerns list" instead.

Missing Fiu goes without saying, however, I have enjoyed my time here at home.  Bonnie has, as always, created a relaxing and comfortable atmosphere with her exceptional Christmas decorating skills! I am, though, looking forward to listening to more eclectic music!

We are moving right along to gather the requisite items to return to Fiu this Tuesday, January 3rd.  Packing will be light with a mix of clothes and small tools filling my bags.  I am hopeful the new canvas enclosure around the cockpit will be as nice as I envision. It's necessary to make Fiu as comfortable as possible since it is our home for several months each year.  The enclosed cockpit becomes an extra room while at anchor not unlike a covered porch at home.

Tentative plans include traveling to Marathon in the Keys then on to another great adventure to the Bahamas in early March.  Our buddy boats have both been there before and will be great assets to us on our trip. Fiu is an ocean-going vessel I am excited to see how she behaves on an extended stay away from the mainland!

Repairs were made to Fiu while I remained behind in Melbourne in late November.  The freshwater leak in the raw water cooling exhaust was small and is fixed!  The oil pressure gauge is 100% now and provides a large measure of comfort while motor-sailing.  Both head (bathroom) hatches no longer leak and one can relax while there during a rain storm without fear of taking an unwanted shower!

My nephew, a Melbourne resident, checked on Fiu with an "OK" delivered  to me just the other day.  He is an exceptional young man who has worked diligently and continuously to achieve his 200 ton masters captain's license.  He is currently awaiting his very own tug to captain.  Interestingly enough he is scheduled to travel with diesel fuel deliveries to the Bahamas from Miami this winter and spring!  Perhaps we will pass each other enroute.

Enough for now.  I wish everyone a safe and happy New Year!

Captain Sid