The Wapoo Creek bascule bridge just past Charleston Harbor closes from 3:30PM to 6:30PM weekdays for rush hour traffic to flow more smoothly! We arrived and requested an opening at 3:22PM. Otherwise our wait would be at anchor for the three hours of closure and would have kept us on the water after dark. I don't like to be out in the dark because there are too many variables most importantly the inability to accurately see what's ahead of you. Also, the St Johns Yacht Harbor is directly past the Wapoo Creek bridge and Elliott Cut. There are certain times one is able to pass through the cut and approaching low tide is not one of them. We made it through at about 4:30PM and registered at the marina shortly after.
A quick call to Karen, our life-long friend, and we were soon on our way to laundry, shopping and dinner! Our two nights stay at St Johns Marina was reasonable and they have the best showers I have used on all our trips. Also, they give a discount for being a Boat US member. It is a well-kept marina with friendly staff there to help. Interestingly, it's amazing the amount of tide and current there on the Stono River. We always cleat our lines with the intention of when we return Fiu will still be there!
Wednesday, our college friend, Gloria, of Gloria and Ralph, invited us to her house and to lunch at their local marina. We drove over to the Isle of Palms and spent some time catching up on our children, their activities and families. Gloria, Karen, Bon and I were all classmates at Cortland State from 1967-1971. That was when you entered college and then graduated four years later.
Captain Sid