We are laughing and luffing! We are laughing because we have had a busy week visiting with friends and neighbo

rs and telling humorous stories. Some are about our previous trip to the Keys while others are just about daily happenings. We are luffing! Luffing in sailing terms refers to the mainsail flapping back and forth while your bow is likely pointed into the wind thereby not allowing the sail to catch the wind and move the boat. We are luffing this week in terms of getting prepared to leave this Sunday. Since Fiu is loaded with lots of food (Bonnie's good judgment and her thoughtful healthy choices) the nav system has been checked out, engine work completed, the sole cleaned and the head smelling fresh and clean as well, there seems to be little to do but wait. The anticipation is beginning to turn into reality. We will be home for only two more nights before we embark on another wonderful and educational adventure!

There will few chances to golf on this trip (one of my favorite past-times). While sailing there are enough things happening to keep one busy, you know like dodging sport fishing boats (always in a hurry), anchoring dragging (usually occurs while eating supper or worse yet while preparing supper) and of course the routine use of time to study charts and safely plan your next leg of the journey! Well, I went golfing yesterday probably for the last time until next May. Maybe that's a good thing since my "A" game was left at home for the day!
There are so many details to manage when you leave a friendly and known environment for an adventure away from home. Important things like "getting the mail", returning to the store for that one "forgotten" item, and gee, I thought I wore that shirt yesterday. All of these cause anxiety, but it's probably better to laugh a little while luffing!
Capt Sid