Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October 26, 2011 Wednesday Osprey Marina

This AM I took some pics of the surrounding area here at Osprey Marina.  The marina is our favorite.  We especially like the smallness of the operation.  The free coffee, bagels and other snacks make it the only to do so!  Richard our dock-hand is one of the most courteous and helpful!  We plan to store Fiu here next May through Octobeer.  You know I keep spelling October with two e's! 

Captain Sid

Fiu at rest in Osprey Marina 10.26.11

Entrance to Osprey from ICW (great hurricane hole)

Osprey Marina Office, Lounge & Grill

Fiu looking like it's a "Live Aboard"

Fiu Dinghy our link to land while at anchor

Entrance to Osprey Marina