Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January 12, 2012 Thursday Vero Beach to Lake Worth

The wind pretty much on the nose all day!  When this happens it's not a sailing day, but instead,  a motoring day.  Traveling south on the ICW was slowed somewhat by the timed bridges.  We missed two because they are timed for trawlers that move quicker than we do.  We lost a total of 45 minutes as a result.  This may not seem like much at first glance, however, if you spend 10 hours on the water it's significant and makes for a longer day!  Pat and Walt decided to exit the ICW at Fort Pierce sail on the ocean and pull in at Lake Worth.  We chose to stay on the ICW and anchor at Lake Worth with them later in the day.  We talked on our cell phones and met them at R6 in the anchorage.

Captain Sid

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